Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Turkish Toilets

I went to Turkey last year with my mom and sister, but I never encountered a Turkish toilet.  But last night, I went to a bar in Montmartre, and there it was!  After a couple of beers, one naturally has to go to the bathroom (I have proudly taught my French roommates the common phrase “break the seal”).  So I went into the bathroom, and there was a tile floor with two raised porcelain footprints and a hole in the ground.  And an empty role of toilet paper.  So I walked back out and sat at the table, and my friend asked “Back already?”  I explained that there wasn't any toilet paper and that I was a bit overwhelmed by the squat toilet.  And it’d be especially hard for someone clumsy who doesn't balance very well.  I’m sure my camping friends or people who have been to more exotic places aren't particularly surprised, but I wasn't expecting it in a bar.  Anyway, long story short, I used it successfully!  Supposedly in Asia they have these types of toilets on the trains, and I imagine that would be very challenging. 

1 comment:

  1. And they were on the trains in India. But the hole opened up to the ground/outside so your business would just go out into the world. It got weird if it was windy. Good for you in your successes at the bar!
